Category Archives: Milestones

This is How I Nap


Mom caught me napping on Dad last weekend. I was pooped! I borrowed this cute hoodie from cousin Kellen. It has a little monster on the front. Just like Daddy’s T-shirt. See the monster on his?

PS: I’m still loving my rice cereal and ate a whole bowl last night. I’m getting really big and can’t wait for some more real food!

4 Months Old


I am 4 months old!

(that’s my friend Jack in the photo above. isn’t he cute?)

I now weigh 14 lbs, 4 oz (75th percentile) and my height is 24.5 inches (50th percentile).

I am getting so big. I’ve started sitting up with assistance and I love to smile and laugh, especially at my big brother, Bug. Soon I’ll be chasing him around the room. I can’t wait!

Trip to Denver

I just got back from a long weekend in Denver. I stayed with my cool cousin Kellen. He can crawl all over the place and is almost walking. I also had lots of fun with my Aunt Julie and her friends, including Auntie Becky, who Mommy has known since she was 12. She’s Benjamin’s Mommy. He’s only 6 weeks old but almost as big as me! Isn’t that silly?


3 Months Old


I turned 3 months old yesterday and to celebrate I went to my Grandma and Grandpa’s pool with my Mom and Auntie Lisa. I really liked watching the water and didn’t mind sticking my feet in.


I have a super cute suit with a butterfly on it. I think I look pretty good in it. What do you think?


Swimming is a lot of work, so after I hung out with my Grandma I took a long nap. 


My First Movie


I got all dressed up in my cute overalls today to meet my friend Jack for a Movie. I met him in my Mom and Baby class and he’s really cute. Our Mom’s came with us and we saw “Up.” It was full of funny dogs. I think Bogey would have done a good job if he had been given a role. 


Mom took a quick photo for the screen to remind me that I saw this movie in person in the theatre.

4 Weeks Old


Stop the madness (and all the photos!)!!

I’m four weeks old today and I’ve already done so much! Here’s a recap:

• I’ve been to the pediatrician, what, like 4 times?

• I’ve been to the Minnesota Zoo.

* I’ve rolled over (from stomach to back) three times

* I’ve been out to lunch

* I’ve been to Minnehaha Falls a whole bunch of times

* I agree that the MN Wild need to restructure

* I’ve seen the new stadiums (Twins and Gophers)

* I’ve been to book club

* I love bath time and visits from friends & family

* I think the President is cute

* And finally, I love my dog, Bug