I climbed a tree! All by myself!
(Okay, okay, I had some help and Mom’s pretty good at Photoshop)
I went to the Minnesota Zoo this weekend with Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa Nibs. The Farm Babies were there, so I got to pet a whole lotta goats, and pigs and cows. They didn’t mind at all that I pet kinda hard. Sorry guys!
Here I am watching a big boy feed the goats.
Here’s my best Chicken impersonation. Buck, buck, buck!
And here is my crazy spider imitation. Spider Girl, Spider Girl, goes where ever a Spider Girl Goes.
A group of us babies from our parent’s birthing class got together this weekend to celebrate all of our birthdays! We were all born between March 13 and April 27. And I’m the only girl! In this photo there’s Liam, Miles, Hans, Me, Jack and Benjamin. I’ve known all these guys since before I was born. Isn’t that cool?
We played inside for a while, tossing around beach balls and playing with this giant tube.
Then we all had cupcakes. CUPCAKES!. Yum.
The Minnesota Twins play their first game today in California. I don’t know where that is, but I’ll be asleep anyway. Or at least Mom and Dad think I’ll be asleep!
Either way, I’m bringing my bag of Yo-melts. Ha!