Monthly Archives: June 2009
3 Months Old
I turned 3 months old yesterday and to celebrate I went to my Grandma and Grandpa’s pool with my Mom and Auntie Lisa. I really liked watching the water and didn’t mind sticking my feet in.
I have a super cute suit with a butterfly on it. I think I look pretty good in it. What do you think?
Swimming is a lot of work, so after I hung out with my Grandma I took a long nap.
Second Day of School
Yesterday was my first day of “school”. We were all too flustered to take a photo, but I reminded Mom to take one this morning. Here I am with my teacher Ashley. The teachers are great and I love to watch all the older kids walk and crawl around. I even napped in my crib three times! I think I’ll like it here…
Happy Dad’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers out there, but especially to Grandpa Bob, Grandpa Dave, Uncle Chris and Uncle Adam. You deserve a nap on your special day.
Blue Eyes
Guess who I got my blue eyes from?
I Still Love Bathtime
I’m 11 weeks old now and I still love my baths.
I also love my rubber ducky.
The Whole Jones Clan
We celebrated Cousins Erika (11) and Sean’s (9) birthdays this weekend and the whole family was there. Cousin Kellen from Colorado (and his parents) were even here. He laughs a lot and is learning to crawl. Someday I’ll catch up to him.
(I’m in my Mom’s arms, above, wearing my new super cute Life is Good T-shirt. Thanks, Auntie Julie!)
My First Movie
I got all dressed up in my cute overalls today to meet my friend Jack for a Movie. I met him in my Mom and Baby class and he’s really cute. Our Mom’s came with us and we saw “Up.” It was full of funny dogs. I think Bogey would have done a good job if he had been given a role.
Mom took a quick photo for the screen to remind me that I saw this movie in person in the theatre.