Monthly Archives: May 2013

Spring Festival

My class had their Spring Festival last week and we entertained our parents with over seven songs and dances! We had been practicing for months and I was really excited.  I have to admit I had a bit of stage fright at the beginning but I worked through it.

Part 1 is right here.

And Part 2 is right here.

It’s pretty long, nearly 20 minutes total, so grab some popcorn and enjoy!



Yep! It was that time again. Time for the Baby Animals at the MN Zoo. I met a baby chick!


I played the role of Bunny Farmer.


I was a Rooster! (I’m certainly loud enough)


I climbed on a pig,


just like this one.


And then I fed a baby goat. Over and over and over.

And if you want to see me at the zoo two and three years ago, click here!