Category Archives: Bug

Just an Update….

IMG_6258 It’s Mom here. Not Nibbler. She just couldn’t bring herself to share this news with you. But Bug is gone. Most of you know that. Most of you know that after eleven and a half years we had to say good bye. Most of you probably know that Tuna is also gone. She barely made an appearance here, but back in March she got really sick, really fast and we had to let her go. Same with Bug. We think he had  a broken heart along with his broken back. 

And it breaks my heart to write this, even though it’s been six weeks since we last saw him. Both pups have crossed the rainbow bridge and I just know they’re chasing each other and Bug is probably jumping on Luna’s head.
Bogey arrived on February 17, 2003. He was twelve weeks old and weighed just 3.5 pounds. We picked him up at the airport where he was coming from Kansas via Texas. Of course, he missed his connection and was over an hour late. When we got him into the skyway, we pulled him out of his kennel and I placed him inside my blue north face jacket. He was terrified, but settled down quickly when he realized how cold it was outside and how warm it was in the jacket. Once at home we set him on the hard wood floor and all four legs quickly slid out, until he was on his belly. He was so little he could only but his front paws on the bottom step. We carried him, we cuddled him, we loved him, for over eleven years.
Not a day went by that I didn’t kiss his little “kiss spot”, the white spot on his head. His kindness will never be forgotten. And at night, when I lie in bed, I can still imagine that he’s curled up against me beneath the covers.
Marc held him as we said goodbye. I held his paw. Nibbler watched from the window. I think losing a second dog so quickly was hardest on her. It was peaceful. It was beautiful. It was so fast. But finally, his poor little body was calm for the first time in days. His panting subsided. His spasming back relaxed. His eyes closed. His breathing slowed. And then his heart stopped.
We wept. The vet took him away. But we kept the memories. The love he had for us. The love we had for him.
Rest in peace, little man. We love you.



Where did January go? I guess I’ve been hibernating. Actually, I have been. We’ve barely been outside at school since November. But this weekend we went for a walk (without the dogs) and Daddy and I looked for tracks. We found squirrel tracks and even an egg track!


(see us down there? I like adventuring as much as Daddy!)



The Holidays

Did I totally forget to tell you about the holidays?

Oh, well, here are a few photos.

Now that I’m back in school full time it’s hard to keep up!


All the cousins: Kellen, Charlie, Erika, Kenzie, Sean, Ally and ME!


Charlie, Ally and ME!


My new unicorn!


And one stink in’ cute present!


Easter 2013

We spent Easter at my Grandma and Grandpa Nibs house this past weekend and on Sunday Auntie Vickie and Cousin Ryan came over too.

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I searched for Easter eggs (and found lots and lots).


I ate most of the Deviled Eggs. (not my Mimosa behind me)


The Puppies kept each other busy.


I helped decorate the birthday cake. (note the paper towels and 409 in the background)

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And then I helped Ryan and Daddy blow out the candles 🙂

Christmas Day

A few pictures from Christmas Day. I had fun, but crashed mid-afternoon and had a rough night. Apparently I’m getting my 2-year molars and they hurt!

Opening my stocking.

Opening Play-Doh from Santa.

Reading a book from Santa to Daddy.

Breakfast (Mom made pannekoekens!)

Helping Grandma open her pressure cooker.

My new Doll House. Love.

Busy Weekend

We all had a busy weekend.

petting Boomer…. i love him….

Grandma and Grandpa Nibs came down to watch Bug and I so Mom and Dad could go see U2.

my new swing… i like to go fast!

And they spent the night so we could all celebrate Grandma and Grandpa J’s 50th wedding annivesary.

painting with Kellen… aren’t we cute?

Auntie Julie, Uncle Adam and Cousin Kellen were also in town for the party, so we went swimming and played with all my toys. It was a great weekend, but now I’m tired.


Grandma and Grandpa Nibs came over this weekend to see me before they leave on a big, exciting vacation. They read a couple of my favorite books, including Good Night, Gorilla.

Even Bogey got a story.

But then he fell asleep. He’s a good dog. Have a great trip G&G Nibs! I’ll see you soon!



8 years young…

Our sweet little Bug turns 8 today. Eight! Can you believe it? He’s such a good boy. He loves to cuddle on our laps… sleep in our bed (under the covers)… and kiss his sister! Too sweet.

Happy Birthday, Big Guy!