My Secret

Here is my secret to looking so young… take one part oatmeal, and one part applesauce. Eat enough of it to please your Mom and then when she looks away start splashing it on your face. Eventually she’ll start laughing. Then do it some more. Be sure to laugh and smile and shriek a bit so nobody gets upset. Then splash a bit more. It’s fun! Try it!

18 Month Stats!

Finally, Mom has gotten around to posting my 18 months stats. Only two weeks late, but I guess I’m keeping her pretty busy.  Turns out I’m sort of tall. Huh, go figure….

Height: 33 1/2 inches tall (90th percentile)

Weight” 25 lbs 7 oz (50th percentile)

Head: 18 3/8 inches (50th percentile)

We have a big weekend planned. We’re going to visit an orchard, make a trip to Ikea, and meet my friend Jen at the Farmer’s Market. Good thing it’s going to be warm!


Mom, Dad, Bogey and I walked across the street this morning to cheer for the Runners of the Twin Cities Marathon. I clapped as they went by and yelled my favorite cheer, “Bravo! Bravo!” They were all running really fast and it was fun to watch. For a while. Then I got bored.

18 Months Old

I turned 18 Months old this past weekend. Wow, how time flies. The photo is of our hike at the Fort Snelling State Park. It had been raining for days, so I wore my new rain boots (Thanks, Anna!).

Now that I’m a year and a half, I love to talk and dance and climb. My favorite words are Hi, Bye-bye, Puppy, Purple, Up, Down, Uh-Oh, Agua (water), and my NAME! I love to dance to just about any music, and I love to climb on my rocking moose, the furniture, the stairs and pretty much anything in the house. My favorite foods are yogurt, bananas, avocados, tortillas, strawberries, and oatmeal. I like to throw tennis and foot balls with my Daddy and to chase my brother Bogey around the coffee table. I’m trying to learn to pet him gently, but sometimes it’s hard not to pet him with all my love!