A Serenade…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioZTAgXSYkA&w=420&h=315]

Mom and Dad walked in on me while I was singing a song to Bogey. Mom missed recording most of my song, but she caught the tail end. Not sure you can make out the lyrics, but I say:

“Your toesies are cute,
I made you these presents….”

And then I hide. Shucks.

Meet “Sura” the Snowwoman


It snowed last night and all day today, so Mom and Dad helped me make this awesome snowwoman in the front yard. She faced the house so she can keep Bogey company. Isn’t she cool? Now she’s got about 5 more inches of snow on her head, but I think she likes it. I can’t wait to go sledding and snowshoeing now that we finally have snow!

Just Singing….

I’ve been watching a new show called the Wonder Pets. It’s like a musical and the animals sing as they save other animals. Since I’m 3 years old, I am impressionable and now, I too, sing rather than chatter. Here’s the proof:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1awD70KSmqg&w=420&h=315]